who we are

aubrey bamdad
Born in Iran, raised in the US, lived in Hawai’i, Spain, and India, then traveled the world over several times before calling the Peruvian Amazon home for the last 18 years, Aubrey Bamdad is a global citizen with an insatiable wanderlust.
Early on in life, she faced several chronic illnesses and a debilitating injury with life-long repercussions for which conventional medicine could offer neither lasting relief nor favorable prognoses, including being told she might never walk again.
Aubrey’s confrontation with the prospect of permanently compromised health set her upon a defiant quest across oceans and into the depths of ancient wisdom traditions and spiritual technologies in search of healing herself and to better understand the fundamental nature of suffering.

"People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive."
~ Joseph Campbell

After completing her university studies, she obtained the Western equivalent of a doctorate in Ayurvedic medicine and certification in clinical herbalism before moving to the Peruvian Amazon to immerse herself in traditional models of folk healing. From climbing mountains in the Andes to drinking plant medicine in the jungle, to practicing breathwork with sprightly octogenarian yogis in South India, to living in a monastery, to subjecting herself to a host of spartan detoxification protocols, to formulating for a prominent herbal product company that she started from humble beginnings and took to global distribution, to coaching and mentoring hundreds of clients, to owning and operating a successful wellness retreat center in the upper Peruvian Amazon, Aubrey realized that true healing and the ability to change one’s circumstances are truly attainable, yet not formulaic.
Through rigorous investigation
into the science and application of both ancient and modern protocols for optimal performance, integrating dietary and lifestyle regimens and a daily practice of yoga and meditation, Aubrey has attained a more vibrant state of health in her forties than she has experienced at any other point in her life.

Beyond the holistic effects of herbs, breathwork and self care techniques, Aubrey attributes the efficacy of her personal formula for well-being to having had the privilege to experience an abundance of sublime, magical and transcendant moments. These transformational experiences, imbued with a sense of timeless, embodied presence and ripe with quantum potentiality to elicit healing, understanding, inspiration and impart insights have given her life orientation and coherence. This realization was the impetus to create Argos Destinations.

She considers joy, ease, and well-being to be our natural state and is committed to supporting others in discovering their own unique blueprint for health, fulfillment, and self-actualization through applying her skills as a master formulator to the crafting of unforgettable and life-changing boutique travel experiences.
Aubrey is a mother, author, philosopher, yogini, and meditator as well as an Ayurvedic practitioner, and clinical herbalist with decades of intensive experience in these respective fields. She has led hundreds of retreats, programs, and events worldwide since 2005. Aubrey is the founder and CEO of Argos Destinations and the executive travel designer of the Argos Experiences.